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Self-Care is Number One in a Time of Uncertainty

Self-Care is Number One in a Time of Uncertainty

During the rockiest of situations, it’s important to remain positive. Although life may feel like it is spiraling out of control, the way that we choose to respond to it is the only thing that matters. With the recent news of the coronavirus outbreak pandemic shaking up our daily routine, we can quickly feel overwhelmed. Now, more than ever, it’s time to put self-care at the top of our list of priorities.

While we’re sheltering in our homes, we’ll have plenty of time to think about things. We can create a new lifestyle for ourselves by doing everything we hadn’t yet gotten around to in the past. We can let go of limiting beliefs, build new habits, and explore new possibilities that help us feel your best at all times, even when we’re unsure of the future.

If you want some self-care tips to follow during times of uncertainty, read below.

Follow the Advice of Health Officials

Do everything you can to protect your health. Practice excellent handwashing hygiene, maintain a safe distance from people while out in public, stay hydrated, and eat a diet full of whole, unprocessed foods as much as you possibly can. Learn to love raw fruits and vegetables as well as new ways to prepare them so that you’re able to get as many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients into your diet.

Digital Detox Except for Health Alerts

Take a break from following the news relentlessly. Limit how much time you spend scrolling social media. Your brain needs time to rest from all the information it’s trying to process. Step away from your computer, tablet, or phone to work on a home improvement project or to meal prep for the upcoming week.

Keep a Journal

Now is the time to let it all out. You can keep a journal that shares your triumphs and obstacles. It’s a place where you can brainstorm ideas of things to do to improve your life and even become a running list of all the things you want in the next home you buy. Journaling is a great stress-reliever, tool for self-reflection, and a way to lower your blood pressure.

Move Your Body Joyfully

Walk, do yoga, or dance. You’ve got reasons to keep exercising. Endorphins are the feel-good chemicals in the brain that get released through movement. If you want to feel better about your situation, declare the next five minutes a dance party and move until you can’t anymore.

Don’t Forget to Check-in With Yourself Regularly

One of the kindest things you can do for yourself is to check in regularly with how you feel. Make it a point to identify what doesn’t feel right and take immediate action to correct it. For example, if you feel tired, take a nap. If you’re hungry, make yourself something wonderful to eat. If you need to talk to someone, pick up the phone, or FaceTime a friend.

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself is Self-Care

Self-care is the greatest act of love you can give yourself. It helps you be a more attentive partner, parent, and friend. It allows you to take care of the needs of your loved ones without doing without yourself. When you feel great physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, and socially, you, your family, your friends, and community thrives!

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