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Turning a Negative Into a Positive

Turning a Negative Into a Positive

In times of uncertainty, we’re faced with the difficult decision to remain positive or to panic. Although it may be easier to default to negativity, it could benefit our health to see the silver lining. Stress is very damaging to the body and can lead to a myriad of disorders and diseases. If your employer or an official asked you to stay home in the upcoming weeks, it could be an excellent time for us to prioritize the things in our lives that you haven’t had time to focus on in the past. Our family and friends need our positivity, too, during the changes that we face as a world.

Things you can focus your time and energy on currently include:

  • Family Time. How many times have you put off playing a board game, watching a movie, or cooking a meal together because you didn’t have enough time? Now is your opportunity to strengthen your bonds and do everything you can to love on your family extra hard. Come up with a list of things you can do together that doesn’t involve travel. Take turns choosing someone’s idea and making it the highlight of your day.
  • Self-Reflection. Change is difficult for everyone. Are you living your ideal life today? What things would you change about your daily routine if given the opportunity? Is there a way to do just that once things return to ‘normal’?
  • Fostering a Pet. Shelters need your help now more than ever. Offer to be a foster to an animal in need. Give them a loving home during times of chaos. Shelter workers aren’t sure what to do with the animals they’re trying to get adopted out. Be the answer that they’ve been searching for recently. Find out what it takes to qualify to be a foster and take good care of a pet in need.
  • Starting the Project You Never Had Time to Do. So, you’ve meant to fix up your home to prepare it for sale. Rather than waste another minute, tackle that improvement project you’ve been waiting to do. Paint the walls, mend the fence, and deal with the clutter before speaking to your Realtor about what to do next.
  • Cooking Nourishing Meals. Good food makes everything better. It helps you keep up your strength and gives you a sense of pride when you’ve cooked something you’ve never made before. Practice cooking from scratch and learn to appreciate the process. For fun, try recreating your favorite restaurant meal.
  • Giving Your Loved Ones More Time Online. Check-in on your people far away. Drop them a line. Send them a message, or Facetime them. You’ll be the bright spot in their day. Share your love and encouragement freely.

You can turn a negative into a positive by changing how you view a situation. If you don’t see sheltering and working from home as ‘bad things,’ you can make the most of your time with your family. You can finally catch up on the projects that you never seem to have time to do. You’re able to connect to your community in new and improved ways, too, making social networking something you enjoy as opposed to a thing that consumes all your time.

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