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Maintaining your investment well

Maintaining your investment well

Let’s face it- surprise maintenance issues are a pain. As a homeowner, fixing leaking gas lines or busted pipes on your property can be a big responsibility… and financial burden.
Though there is not foolproof way to avoid every issue that can arise in a home, there are some steps you can take to make sure routine maintenance items are not neglected and preventative measures are taken to mitigate costly damage. Below are a few suggestions, though keep in mind that every home is different! What your neighbor might have on their list might not need to be on yours.

  1. To start, be sure to make a list of everything you currently do, should be doing, or could do to maintain your home. Everything from roof maintenance to wiping down your fridge- put it on the list!
  2. Note next to each task what needs to be done when/ how frequently.
  3. Put everything down on a calendar you check often! Your dog calendar hanging on your fridge, your Google calendar, your bullet journal- just put all of your tasks into one calendar. If that calendar is digital and you can set automatic reminders for what needs to be done when, do it! If you prefer a paper calendar, use your phone to send you reminders throughout the year of what to do. This is important!

Not really sure what should be on your list? Below are some common suggestions- but remember, every home is different and they don’t all have the same preventative maintenance needs!

  • Annually
      • Clean gutters (late Spring after rain season is done)
      • Chimney sweep (Summer)
      • Flush hot water system (anytime)
      • Get carpets professionally cleaned (anytime)
      • Inspect your roof (anytime)
      • Clean garden tools! (Fun fact: storing them in a bucket of sand prevents rust)
      • Pump your septic tank (this only needs to happen 3-5 years typically)
  • Bi-annually
      • Check smoke & carbon monoxide detector batteries
      • Vacuum fridge coils
      • Clean out exterior dryer vent
      • Change direction of ceiling fans (Reverse the fan for cooler air flow during the summer, then back again in the winter)
      • Re-caulk inside and outsider areas that need it
      • Inspect attic for insulation & pests
      • Make sure water heater is set to correct dial place. Check for leaks.
  • Every 3 Months
      • Wipe down baseboards, trim, and door eaves
      • Clean shower heads with vinegar to shine and remove debris
      • Test GFI outlets in your home

Every 1-2 Months

    • Drain your washing machine (esp. if it is front-loading)
    • Check landscaping for any dry or hazardous foliage. Ensure all trees are cut back from home. This also prevents unwanted critters from access to your roof/ home
    • Vacuum all vents and registers, esp. floor vents

Don’t have a home of your own yet? Check out this article here to see how you can start planning and preparing your next steps.

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