Here’s my question: Is the thing you’ve become accustomed to, serving you well now? Is there, perhaps, a better way to do the thing you’ve been taught, coached or has been ingrained in you as “the right way to do or right way to view things?” Now consider this – after enough time passed and enough people died, no one would have known or remembered the reason for cutting off the ends of the ham.
So much of what we do in our life is done without much thought or sometimes, even knowledge, of how the habit began. I challenge you to change this pattern. I challenge you to begin to really focus on what you choose in your life and in your business. Are you repeating behaviors that you really don't even understand? Are there behaviors or habits you could eliminate or those you can switch to something more valuable or productive?
When we do things “because that’s what we’ve always done” we fail to seek opportunities for improvement. We fail to see the assumptions we make every day out of habit and routine. When we just keep cutting off the ends of the ham, we fail to innovate.
Stop cutting off the ends of the ham today. Ask why.
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” – Albert Einstein
p.s. If you or anyone you know needs help buying or selling a home, please let us know. We’d love referrals and we’d love to help!