Dear Friends,
What does one write about during precarious times such as these? First, I want you to know that I’ve been thinking about and praying for all of you! I’ve reached out to many of you and yet to connect with everyone however, I definitely intend to!
Like most people, I have been doing my best to navigate through these uncharted waters. Since the shelter in place mandate was announced I have experienced a range of emotions from panic and anxiety to sadness, grief, and acceptance. I have wrestled with feelings of uncertainty and optimism. My faith has truly been tested.
Historically, I do not sleep well – too many thoughts occupy my mind. With everything going on these days, sleepless nights seem to be the norm. A few nights ago, I woke up repeating “Trim the Fat,” “Trim the Fat.” I knew I was supposed to write about it. Yet I wasn’t exactly sure what it meant.
A Google search says it means something along the lines of getting rid of the stuff (usually people) that aren’t really seen as benefiting the business.’ After some thoughtful prayer and reflection here’s what I’ve come up with.
During this time of Sheltering in Place, is a time to “trim the fat” in our own lives. For me, trim the fat means getting rid of the things, people and activities that take up valuable physical as well as headspace in my life, in my heart and with my time.
Do you know that before SIP I went grocery shopping at 7 different places? SEVEN! I often complained that there were no stores out there that carry EVERYTHING I need. No wonder my life was so hectic and hurried. I intend to trim the fat in that area of my life. The lack of boundaries I allowed in my business was a detriment to the most important personal relationships in my life.
The amount of worry and doubt that I allowed to take up space in my head has kept me from being fully present, in the moment and has prevented me from seeing all of the abundant blessings right in front of me. Get rid of that fat!
Taking life too seriously and my concern about making all of the “right” decisions have robbed me from experiencing the pure joy of everyday life. Trim the fat! My inability to be decisive has cost me time, energy and money. Trim the fat!
m certain there are other areas of my life where “fat” needs to be trimmed. I have a lot of time in the coming weeks to discover those things and make the necessary adjustments. May we all take this time to “trim the fat” in our lives. Be well and stay safe friends.
With love,
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