Hi Friends,
The first couple of weeks of SIP was tough for me. I felt overwhelmed and unsure of how to navigate through life. It has been a challenge to focus on the abundance in my life when everything seemed so uncertain, yet, here we are!
However, during these unprecedented times, life continues. I know friends and clients who have mourned deaths (not related to the Coronavirus) and those who have also celebrated new life! I know those who have lost jobs and still others who have gained new career opportunities. I know those who are paralyzed by fear and have done nothing during this time but worry and complain and still others who have taken this time to finish projects, learn new skills and sharpen existing skills in preparation for what’s to come.
I am reminded of the saying, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying.” There is still good in the world. There are still incredible opportunities to grow in the midst of all of this uncertainty.
I started running again. My first run during the SIP I ran a mile pace of 10:40 and now, just 5 weeks later, my pace has decreased to 8:42!
I’ve started to learn to speak Tagalog. I’m on CD #8 out of 30! I go on long walks with my husband, we cook together & try new recipes and I have more time to play with my son in addition to working on making adjustments on how to continue to conduct business.
We’ve cleaned out our closets as well as organized systems in my business. And, although I have never had a green thumb in my life, my orchid is blooming! I take that as a good sign for the future. I’ve named her Hope. Today, my hope is that all of us seize this time, this unique opportunity for our own personal growth, perhaps learn a new skill, improve on an existing talent or lend a helping hand.
Giving is the secret of abundance. Be well and stay safe my friends.
God bless you all,
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