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George, My Hero

George, My Hero

Hello Friends,

At the risk of being vulnerable, I have a confession to make … whenever I watch sports I always envision myself as the star player. Am I the only one?

Years ago my husband, Rob, got me into the Tour de France. I’m not much of a cyclist, however, I was fascinated with the strategy behind the sport and it was the time in cycling when Lance Armstrong was the poster child. It was fun for me to watch and learn about the sport.

It was also a time in my life when I became a HUGE George Hincapie fan! George served as Lance Armstrong’s “Domestique” on the team. If you don’t know much about cycling, that means he was a rider who works for the benefit of their team and leader, rather than trying to win the race. In French, domestique translates as "servant". Arguably, George did a lot of the upfront work that made Lance look like a star!

George is my hero because, unlike me, he knew exactly what his role was on the Team and was more than content with it. He just Did. His. Job! George wasn’t looking for attention or accolades … he just knew that in order for his Team to win, he had a job to do. Now, it may not be glamorous or in the limelight, however, he knew his place, he knew his strength, and he worked tirelessly to be the best at it.

During one Tour de France, George was in the lead pack and was nearing the finish line to end that stage. He was looking all around for Lance and there was no way Lance would catch up to win that stage. Everyone on their team was cheering George on to win that stage for himself. It was exciting … I found myself yelling at the TV, “Go, George, Go George! You got this!! OMG, George is going to win a stage!!!” I was jumping out of my skin and was happier for George than anyone can imagine. I think I may have even cried!

Why? Because isn’t that a picture of life? Many of us work so hard, unnoticed and presumably unseen for the work we do. It can be discouraging at times, or worse, it can feel meaningless. Then, every now and then, life gives us a gift, an unexpected gesture of appreciation and acknowledgement. I know, we’re all “supposed” to say or believe or think we don’t need affirmation or acknowledgement from others yet, if we’re being honest, it does feel good to get recognized for the things we do.

So, here I am watching George, the loyal teammate, the trustworthy Domestique who has faithfully showed up for Lance and his Team day in and day out, about to win his first stage! And, even though Lance was nowhere near, George still gave a few looks to make sure Lance wasn’t there so he could go for the win himself. So selfless, so loyal, so content with his role … I was in awe and I was SO inspired.

Even though I often want to be the Lance Armstrong in the cycling world of life, I pray that I can be more like George - knowing who I am, embracing the gifts & talents I’ve been entrusted with, and working every day to improve those gifts & talents to be the best version of who God created me to be - lifting others up around me because I’m content with who I am.

To George Hincapie, my Hero!

May we, too, live lives with a servant’s heart.



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